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# Show respect towards each other. Flames and personal attacks are not welcome at BLASTENERGY. This includes but not limited to; racism, xenophobia, etc. It maybe a joke to you and your friends, but if the victim complains expect swift retribution from staff.# Never post entire sentences with UPPERCASE or large fonts. You may think it will help you get your point across, but most of the time you will be ignored instead.# Stay on topic. If you wish to talk about something different, make a new thread for it.# Do not bump an existing thread 2 weeks after the previous post. Instead create a new post, and if necessary link to the old one.# Do not spam. Excessive spamming can result in your account banned.# Do not circumvent our censor. Especially for banned websites or other forums.# Do not continue a locked thread. If it was locked due to spamming you maybe able to veto this by requesting it to a staff member. This does not necessarily mean if will be unlocked, just considered.# Advertising other forums is not permitted. This includes your signature or graphics.# Signatures are cut to 150 pixels in height and 500 pixels in width. Any more and it will create scroll bars. If images are used they should be no more than 400kB in size. Nudity or offensive material should not be used in signatures. Breaking these rules will result in your signature being edited by staff.# The only servers you are permitted to advertise in your signature are the official ragezone servers. You may only advertise your own private servers in the correct forum sections. You will however be permitted to link to your threads that are on ragezone.# Attacks against staff members may lead to instant ban.# Do not ask questions which are already answered in other threads. Use the search function as much as possible.# This forum is English; as such you must either post in English or create an accurate translation. If a staff member suspects the translation is inaccurate your entire post maybe deleted.# Do not post links to text based games without clear details, this includes links in signatures.# Do not use [mod] or [admin] tags. These are reserved for moderators, super moderators, and MentaL. Usage of these tags will lead to an infraction.# Do not post hacks, cheats or warez.# Do not bring grudges with people you know offline onto BLASTENERGY.# Use common sense! If you think something may not be allowed, it probably is not. As such you maybe warned for something that is not specifically mentioned in these rules.# If you came to BLASTENERGY to irritate people you will be banned.# Try not to double post. It does happen in lag, if it does use the report post button. If you need to add more information, edit your previous post. This maybe waived if you are posting images and it limits you.# Do not create a new account if your current account is banned. If you do your new account is likely to be instantly banned with no warning.# If you are given an infraction you maybe able to veto the decision by PMing a staff member. Do not PM the staff member who gave you it with abuse, it is likely to get you in more trouble.# Pornography is not allowed, such as nipples or private parts. BLAST ENERGY FORUM THANK YOU